Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fifth grade sentences:


We exchanged glances as the sub walked in.


Wealth can make you cruel.

Fashion is boring and useless.


Patience, little ones.

(That's my favorite.)

(In case you're wondering, "Why are they writing these sentences? Where are the hard words?" This was in an exercise on consonant blends and consonant digraphs. "Isn't that stuff for first graders, not fifth graders?" Yes it is, but occasionally I have to do what the office says I should do.)


Anonymous said...

was that me, that they exchanged glances about?

Unknown said...

No — Agnes wrote that sentence in the fall :)

Kaveri said...

Did they say anything about me? Like that I failed to take attendance, and was nervous and flakey, and couldnt provide the etymologies of abortion and abolition?

Unknown said...

They didn't say anything. Two weeks had passed by the time I saw them again, and I'm not teaching the sixth grade any more. I'm sure they liked you!